
Back pain – this is your body’s emotional message


On our poor back we reflect tensions, stress, worries and even the weight of daily responsibilities. Here the physical discomfort of our spine is not all physical effort, but is largely influenced by psychological reasons. The back is the axis on which our body made up of 33 vertebrae rests. Right down the spine we pour negative emotions causing various types of back pain . Here is what our body means to us depending on where our back hurts.

Cervical : Pain in the upper part of the spine is associated with the basic structure of being. Cervical problems in emotional jargon represent closure, rigidity of thought, depression, difficulty interacting with the outside world or oneself. It mainly affects those with work concerns and those with a strong sense of responsibility . The pain therefore tends to affect mainly the neck, head and shoulders. Here we recommend rotations to be done in these areas.

Back area: An area also important for respiratory activity, it happens in people with low self-esteem and have a fear of living . They have a posture that tends forward and therefore a complication in correct breathing, having the ribcage contracted. This posture is brought about by inner affliction, to improve outdoor walks are recommended to find oneself and a bit of calm.

Lumbar area : Localized pain depends on the difficulty in bearing the weight of life, perhaps due to unsatisfactory jobs and relationships . If the pains are at the lower back they can be associated with sexual blocks or the inability to satisfy one’s desires. In addition, low back pain is typical of people who try too hard.

Sacral area and coccyx : An area symbolically linked to basic needs that give emotional stability (sex, food, love, home security). Ailments affecting the coccyx can hide a great dependence on others or on objects or things.


Diagnosis for back pain must be made by an expert in the field, including customizable treatments . However, if your back hurts, you need to rest for some time or find a daily clipping to do it. The body is calling you to take a break.

  • Where does your back hurt? What does the body want to tell you about the emotions you feel (


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